Looking to learn something new?
From 12–1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, two representatives from the Chautauqua Institution will be holding a lecture.
Titled, “From Chautauqua County to the World: Chautauqua Institution’s Past, Present and Future,” the lecture will be given by Jon Schmitz, Chautauqua Institution historian and archivist, and Jordan Steves, Chautauqua Institution’s director of strategic communication. It will be held in the Williams Center, in conference room S204 ABC.
The two will focus on the past, current, and future trajectory of continuing cultural advancement and education at Chautauqua Institution.
Schmitz and Steves’ lecture is a part of the Brown Bag Lunch series, and free lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For interested students, there are many summer employment opportunities at Chautauqua Institution.