The Leader

Fredonia sports update


Staff Writer

Graphic by Olivia Connor

It is a new year and new decade for Fredonia sports, but many of our teams are well into their respective seasons.

What is next or upcoming for our Blue Devils?

Both men and women’s basketball teams are off to play Plattsburgh and Potsdam in away games.

Track is also on the road this weekend with a tournament in Utica.

Here, at home, our hockey team faces both Plattsburgh and Potsdam this Friday and Saturday.

The games start at 7:00 p.m in Steele.

A big event at home is the only home meet for swim. It is against Cortland and will be the night in which all seniors on both men and women swimming/diving will be honored.

The men’s team seniors are Cameron Criss, Pranav Marala, Charlie May, and Bradley Zifra.

The women’s team seniors are Sam Angrignon, Alyson Baumann, Lydia Gaughran, and Sierra Parsons.

The meet starts at 1:00 and all Blue Devil support is encouraged.

For full play reports including all updated stats and scores of past games, check out

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