The Leader
Life & Arts

S.T.E.P.S. unites with theatre company to provide education on sexual violence

Contributor to The Leader
STEPHEN SACCO Special to the Leader   On college campuses nationwide one of the biggest problems is sexual violence. To combat this issue, Fredonia’s very own S.T.E.P.S.(Students Teaching Equals Positive Sexuality) hosted “One Night” by Equalogy for Welcome Week on Aug. 29. S.T.E.P.S. brought Equalogy, a traveling theatre company, to......
Life & Arts

Bringing two worlds together: Aspire Arts for Inclusion Workshop

Contributor to The Leader
ELYSE GRIECO Life & Arts Editor   Aspire of western New York held their Arts for Inclusion Workshop at the Fredonia Technology Incubator last Friday morning. Aspire is an organization that helps those with developmental disabilities learn how to live independently and recognize their full potential. Their mission with this......
Life & Arts

‘In order to make change happen, we have to educate first’: STEPS presents RAINNing Unity

ELYSE GRIECO Assistant Life & Arts Editor   This past Wednesday, STEPS (Students Teaching Equals Positive Sexuality) held their annual spring equality carnival. Every year, the club dedicates their carnival to a different organization in hopes to raise awareness for that cause. This semester, STEPS decided to pick RAINN, the......
Life & Arts

Making a difference through music: ‘It’s On Us’ concert brings awareness to sexual violence

Contributor to The Leader
ERIKETA COST Special to The Leader   Bringing the community together with music is one way to start a conversation about sexual assault. Fredonia’s musical fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha, and STEPs (Students Teaching Equals Positive Sexuality) held their “It’s On Us” concert last Friday. A capella groups, jazz groups and......
Life & Arts

‘He was one of the greatest musicians who had a lot of love for his craft of drumming’ : In memory of Bernard Woma

Contributor to The Leader
ELYSE GRIECO Assistant Life & Arts Editor   On April 27, 2018, the Fredonia community lost a teacher, friend and amazingly talented musician. Bernard Woma was only 51 years old when he lost his battle to cancer. Woma hailed from Hiineteng, a village located in Northwestern Ghana. By the age......

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