The Leader
Life & Arts

The legality of hosting a house show: How should one go about furthering Fredonia’s culture, without getting in trouble?

Contributor to The Leader
ANDREW RICHARDSON Special to The Leader If you have been attending SUNY Fredonia for any period of time, you will have undoubtedly heard about a house show near you. A “house show” is basically having a musical act of some sort play in your home for other people. This format......
Life & Arts

Punk rock’s not dead: ‘GoNightClubbing’ directors visit Fredonia

Contributor to The Leader
MOLLY VANDENBERG Staff Writer The SUNY Fredonia Cinema Alternatives Group had a showing of “GoNightClubbing” on Oct. 2 where Pat Ivers and Emily Armstrong were present to talk about their work. The mix shown was a collection of punk rock video performances from 1975-1980 in New York City during the......
Life & Arts

‘She Kills Monsters’ brings witty, dragon-slaying characters to life: PAC opens their first show of the season

 [metaslider id=9909]   KARA CEKUTA Staff Writer Fredonia’s Performing Arts Company is preparing for their first show of the season with their full length rendition of “She Kills Monsters,” a story by Samuel French. This dramatic comedy was written into a play by Qui Nguyen in 2011. The Performing Arts......
Life & Arts

Brews Under Review: IPAs suck, and you know they suck: IPAs are trash and Stainless Steel is no exception

Contributor to The Leader
CURTIS HENRY Sports Editor As always, there are a few things to take into account when reading this column. I’m not a professional beer connoisseur, nor am I a food critic. I should probably never write for the Life & Arts section, but they keep on bringing me back. This......
Life & Arts

‘Broadway and the Marx Brothers’: Freedonia Marxonia back for third year in a row

Contributor to The Leader
MELISSA FUCHS Special to The Leader This year’s Freedonia Marxonia is nearly here. The yearly celebration of the comedic troupe kicks off on Sept. 28, with the exhibit opening in Reed Library at 3 p.m. This year’s theme “Broadway and the Marx Brothers” features planned events at both the library......

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