The Leader

Fred Fest 2017: gunshots, garbage and a missing ‘F’: Party ends with gunshots on Sunday

JORDAN PATTERSON News Editor Last week, Fredonia Mayor Athanasia Landis described the village on the Sunday after Fred Fest as a “war zone.” Early Sunday morning this year, gunshots rang out on Center Street. As expected, many people were arrested. The people getting arrested ranged from students to non-students to......

Dunkirk native, entrepreneur to be guest speaker at Commencement.

ANGELINA DOHRE Staff Writer Graduation is quickly approaching, and a decision has been made on the guest speaker for commencement. Born and raised in Dunkirk, entrepreneur and philanthropist Donato J. Tramuto was chosen by President Virginia Horvath to give this year’s keynote address. Tramuto found out about his role as......

Right Serving, Right Sizing leaves uncertainty for department futures

DAN ORZECHOWSKI Assistant News Editor   Each department within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is preparing for significant scheduling changes and curricula adaptations. Right Serving, Right Sizing (RSRS), the plan initiated by President Virginia Horvath, is expected to help combat Fredonia’s low enrollment. In a RSRS report,......

Final Brown Bag tackles fake news and social media

Contributor to The Leader
  [metaslider id=9141]   JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer On April 12, the final Brown Bag lecture of the year took place in the Williams Center, featuring communications professor Mike Igoe and computer science professor Michael Scialdone, both choosing to tackle the rise in fake news and media bias. “I decided......

Excelsior Scholarship passed: what now?

  JORDAN PATTERSON News Editor   As many students might’ve heard, legislation introducing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Excelsior Scholarship was passed earlier this month. So this means free college for SUNY students, right? Not exactly. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Let’s celebrate New York State getting something important done......

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