The Leader

Lovercolumn: Trying New Things

Chloe Kowalyk
“THE PLUMBER” Executive Producer of Lovercall “THE ELECTRICIAN” Lovercall Producer  Hello!  We are The Plumber and The Electrician: two producers of the radio show Lovercall right here at SUNY Fredonia. Lovercall is an anonymous late-night talk show about love, relationships and more. Students who come on the show use a......

Andie’s top five things to check out this week

Contributor to The Leader
ANDIE VÉLEZ-DAVISStaff Writer Latinos Unidos Movie Night  Thursday, Sept. 22 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  Join Latinos Unidos as they kick off celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a movie night in Williams Center MPR. They will be showing the heartfelt film, “Under the Same Moon,” and offering free refreshments.......

[OPINION] Eating on campus is difficult: FSA could improve

Contributor to The Leader
GABRIEL GONZALEZ Special to The Leader As a senior business administration management student, I have witnessed several issues with campus dining since my freshman year. Starbucks, being the only place that I prefer to go, always has enormous lines out the door. This not only creates issues for the people......

Advice from a former resident assistant: What it’s like to become a college student 

Contributor to The Leader
ANDIE VÉLEZ-DAVIS Special to The Leader Despite how exciting it may be to go to college, the transition between high school and college can be a scary adjustment for some. There’s so many new things to be explored — new friends, new home, new professors, new classes — the list......

Lovercolumn: Electronics and college relationships

Chloe Kowalyk
“THE PLUMBER” Executive Producer of Lovercall “THE ELECTRICIAN” Lovercall Producer Hello!  We are “The Plumber” and “The Electrician”: two producers of the radio show Lovercall right here at SUNY Fredonia. Lovercall is an anonymous late-night talk show about love, relationships and more. Students who come on the show use a......
Life & ArtsOpinionUncategorized

Caribbean Student Association brings cultural spice to Fredonia’s campus

Contributor to The Leader
NERON SIMPSON & LEANA SHARPE Special to The Leader The contrast between the town of Fredonia and any Caribbean country is evident, to say the least. Cold, frigid temperatures compared to warm and humid climates seem to stand out most.  As students of Caribbean descent, we oftentimes are reminded of......

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