From the desk of Nikki Indelicato, Life & Arts Editor
NIKKI INDELICATO Life & Arts Editor Wow…four years really do fly by. It’s crazy to think that in just a few short weeks I will be walking across the stage to finally get that diploma that came with many laughs, tears and memories that will stick with me for the......
Chaotic but spectacular: “Everything Everywhere All at Once” movie review
KAILYN REYNOLDS Special to The Leader There are only a few things in life that are certain besides death, preparing your taxes and the possibility of doing never-ending laundry either for yourself or others. Writers and directors Daniel Kwana and Daniel Schinert — who also work under the name “Daniels”......
Your rock ‘n’ roll is dead: The past, present and future of Fredonia’s music scene
RYAN TERRY Special to The Leader This may be a sappy article, sentimental even, but a whirlwind of emotion was felt by myself and many others upon hearing of the closing of the North Pole Strip Club (NPSC) house music venue that I couldn’t shake off, a thundercloud hanging over......
Editorial: Why did Fredonia police not consider Black male a victim?
THE LEADER STAFF The Leader published a story about a SUNY Fredonia student who was allegedly assaulted, according to a lawsuit that was filed, and then was arrested by police for disorderly conduct. The writer interviewed and obtained information to write this story from the mother of that student in......
Refusal to understand Black rage
PRINCE AZIZ HUNT Special to The Leader If you make a spectacle out of my rage, or any other Black person’s, I will personally lose all respect for you. I am writing this statement in response to the media’s blatant disregard for Will Smith’s very well justified rage at whatever......
Slow decay of SUNY Fredonia is hurting me too
CASEY HUBERSpecial to The Leader I believe in this college. I want it to succeed. But I can no longer stay quiet about the long list of problems that this campus either creates for itself or flat out ignores. Before I list my grievances (and more importantly, potential fixes) for......
The right to vote: A civic duty and moral imperative
DENNIS MYERS Special to The Leader In recent decades, about 60% of eligible U.S. voters cast a ballot during presidential elections. During midterm elections, like this year, participation is only at around 40%. By international standards this is noticeably low. For example, according to, member nations of the Organization......
Reuse or abuse? The plastic predicament
JULES HOEPTING Managing Editor “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?” asks Katy Perry in the opening line of her megahit song “Firework.” The idea of plastic bags ending up in places they were never intended to be is all too......
How an incorrect FSA order sent me to WellNow Urgent Care
CHLOE KOWALYK News Editor It was quite possibly one of the worst allergic reactions I’ve had in my life. In fact, it was the first time an allergic reaction ever sent me to seek medical attention. On Tuesday, Feb. 23, I ordered a vegan (emphasis on vegan) chocolate chip cookie......