The Leader

What does student mental health look like at Fredonia?

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK Asst. News Editor The past few semesters have not been easy for the majority of college students.  The combined stress of COVID-19, the fights against racial violence and the immediate switch to online learning and isolation have had detrimental effects on the mental health of college students.  According......

It’s been one year since COVID-19 turned our world upside down

Contributor to The Leader
ALYSSA BUMP Life & Arts Editor One year ago from writing this, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. One year later, 118 million people have gotten the virus, and 2.62 million are dead. In my Snapchat memories today, there was a video from my last......

[OPINION] Using “they” as a singular pronoun is grammatically correct, actually

Contributor to The Leader
JULES HOEPTING Design Editor Read the following sentence: “The decision is up to them.” In your brain, that sentence probably has the same meaning as this sentence: “The decision is up to a group of people.” Does that mean “them” is always in reference to a group of people? No.......

Biden wins the battle for the presidency

Contributor to The Leader
CASEY HUBER Special to The Leader  Healing. Getting the virus under control to start the economy. Equality between all races. No more blue and red. One America. These are some of the talking points Joe Biden hit in his acceptance speech Saturday evening. Hopeful of unity, Biden continues to push......

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