From the desk of Aidan Pollard, News Editor
With the Democratic presidential campaigns in full swing, it’s a good time to talk about how not to fall for thinly-veiled appeals and arguments you might hear in debates and interviews with candidates. A 2017 Gallup poll found that 78% of Americans identify with a specific religion. Religious freedom is......
From the desk of Dante Lasting, Assistant Sports Editor
As a college student, the better you are at multitasking, the easier things will be for you. I have gotten to be pretty good at multitasking because of a tragic event that I have been dealing with for a while. For six years now, my mom has been struggling with......
From the desk of Eriketa Cost, Life & Arts Editor
Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the idea of moments in life that are fleeting. Moments that you cherish when you’re in them, but feel a pit in your stomach the minute you realize you’ll never have them back. For example, a few weeks ago I took a walk......
From the desk of Joseph Marciniak, Scallion Editor
The first week of school is hectic and stressful. You arrive on campus and immediately take a sniff of the dog food air, and remember that you most likely have to eat at the Cranston again. For your average performance major, they refer to this week as “audition week” due......
FTDO: How to survive the end of the semester
ELYSE GRIECO Life & Arts Editor As a junior, I’ve experienced the stresses that come along with the last weeks of school a few times now. I’m not going to lie: it never gets easy. But overtime, I have learned ways to make it easier. Here are some tips......
Balancing athletics with a (mostly) vegetarian diet.
AIDAN POLLARD Sports Editor Okay, well technically I’m a pescitarian which means I eat fish, so even among vegetarians and vegans I’m the odd one out. But in a culture where eating as much protein as your body can handle is being pushed on anyone who even likes to......
From the Desk Of Sarah Hughston, Social Media Manager
Shannon Barry is the friend I never knew I needed. And I’ve never even met her. Barry, or @barry_happy as she goes by online, is a writer who shares personal stories of her life. Her diary entries, mostly on Instagram, are honest depictions of the life of a 25-year-old actress......
Howard Schultz’s potential candidacy has Dems shaking in their boots
SETH MICHAEL MEYER Staff Columnist Make no mistake: former CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, may say he is considering running on an Independent presidential ticket in 2020, but he will really be running as a “fiscally-responsible” liberal. The idea of a Schultz independent campaign has Democrats nervous that they......
An avenue for change: Expressing opinions through student press
AMBER MATTICE Managing Editor Student Press Freedom Day was on Jan. 30 and, since this issue of “The Leader” is out exactly one week later, I wanted to take this opportunity to express some opinions on freedom of the press as well as having the opportunity to work for......