The Leader

NFL quarterback Kaepernick has every right to sit

Contributor to The Leader
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is the only backup QB in the league that can’t get out of the spotlight. Given all of the wrong reasons that NFL players have been in the spotlight for in the past few seasons — dog fighting, murder, domestic violence, drug abuse —......

From the Desk of Colin Perry, Editor in Chief: A new year, a new Leader

Contributor to The Leader
I like to joke that I entered college with a major in English because I wanted some book recommendations. As it turns out, I ended up adding a second major as a sophomore in journalism, which I suppose must be because I love having conversations. The issue of The Leader......

Election 2016: Jill Stein is no Bernie Sanders

Contributor to The Leader
JAMES LILLIN Staff Writer Currently averaging a 3.6 percent on the RealClearPolitics aggregate of major national polls, Jill Stein is helping the Green Party reach new heights of popularity and recognition, considering it hasn’t broken .4 percent of the final electoral vote since Ralph Nader ran in 2000. Stein has......

New professor makes a big splash in the Social Work Department

Dear Editor,   Jessica Fitzpatrick, Ph.D, joined Fredonia’s Department of Sociocultural and Justice Studies in the Fall semester of 2015. Since joining the department, Fitzpatrick has made tremendous contributions to the programing for Fredonia students. Fitzpatrick brings creativity into her teaching and inspires students to look outside the box. In......

Editorial: ‘When it’s time to party, we will always party hard’

Contributor to The Leader
FREDFest hasn’t existed since Spring 2014. But if we, at The Leader, remember correctly, there was still quite a bit of celebrating going on in the village. We expect the same amount of celebration during this upcoming weekend. As Andrew W.K. sing/yells in his his song “Party Hard”:   “Cos......

Editorial: Take marijuana off Schedule I, please

Contributor to The Leader
One of these things is not like the others: heroin, marijuana, LSD, ecstasy. The date April 20, better known as 4/20, means different things to different people. But The Leader wanted to take this opportunity, on this particular date, to discuss the most talked about 4/20 correlation: cannabis. (By the......

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