The Leader
Life & Arts

PAC presents Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’


Illustration by Kara Cekuta, Staff Illustrator.


Staff Writer


Thursday, April 20 will begin the three-day performance of “Twelfth Night,” a Shakespearean comedy, taking place in the backyard of the Lanford House and put on by the Performing Arts Company (PAC).

“Everything is done by the students,” said Christine Boehm, a senior BFA musical theatre student and director of PAC. She described this work as a “very silly play” that portrays a message of “being what you want with who you want.”

“It has been a real treat to work with such talented actors,” she explained, adding that they “made my job very, very easy.”

“It’s so interesting to see how college students perform under restrictions,” said senior video production major Ana McCasland, referring to the tight budget that PAC has to work with. McCasland plays Malvolio, “an older man and Lady Olivia’s right-hand man.” She described her experience with this event as “some of the best work I have gotten to do.”

“Christine Boehm has been a great director,” McCasland emphasized. “I am hoping that people come and laugh and have a better appreciation for Shakespeare.”
There are around 30 students involved in this production, 12 of them being actors, and a handful of production members. These students have been rehearsing for the past six weeks in preparation for the performance.

The event will be kicking off on April 20 at 7:30 p.m. and continue through April 22.

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