The Leader
Life & Arts

Spectrum holds safari-themed Block Party on Tim Hortons patio

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Staff Writer


Where can you find fellow students enjoying a sunny afternoon while jamming out to indie tracks and enjoying safari-themed snacks?

Spectrum’s annual Block Party was held on Friday at the end of their “Welcome Week,” which lasted from Aug. 20 to 25. The week’s other events included an ice cream social, trivia night and bingo night.

Students at Fredonia gathered around to enjoy punch, pizza and pina coladas (non-alcoholic, of course). Music from the local talent acted as a soundtrack to the event. Many students sported brightly colored tattoos from the airbrush tattoo station and others took their seats on patio cushions while the caricature artist transformed them into grinning, bubble-headed characters.

Among these students were Gabby Mattel, a junior communications disorder major, and Dana Vertuccio, a junior early childhood education major. They were both regulars at Spectrum’s events all week long.

“I met people from other activities,” Mattel said as she recognized some familiar faces at the event. She explained how easy it is to meet new people, “even if you come alone.”

“We wanted to celebrate the first week back, welcome returning students and encourage freshman,” said Katie Grabowski, a senior early childhood education major and Spectrum’s vice president. Grabowski has been a part of Spectrum team for two years.

President John Greenan, a senior marketing and music industry dual major, wanted to embrace the summer setting by creating a “social environment at the center of campus for everybody.”

Spectrum will also be tabling at Activities Night on Aug. 30 and is looking for new members to add on to their team.

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