The Leader
Life & Arts

Step back into the strange town of Hawkins, Indiana: ‘Stranger Things’ returns to Netflix


Staff Writer


The long-anticipated season two of the science-fiction “Stranger Things” was released on Netflix on Oct. 27 with nine new episodes. This is a follow up to the first season that Netflix released in July 2016.

This second season takes place a year after the first. It was created, written, directed and co-produced by the Duffer Brothers.

The first season received critical acclaim with its eight episodes. For those who are unfamiliar, the show involves a mystery that takes place in Hawkins, Indiana in the 1980s. The moment the opening credits play, you’re being transported back to a simpler time of “Ghostbusters” and Atari.

The initial plot from the first season centers around the disappearance of 12-year-old Will Byers, the search efforts for him led by his mother (Joyce) and friends (Mike, Dustin and Lucas) and the emergence of a young girl with mysterious powers.

The cast is full of well-known names, such as: Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers; Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven; Noah Schnapp as Will Byers; Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler; Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin Henderson and David Harbour as Chief Jim Hopper, just to name some of the characters.

Some new characters are introduced in the second season, such as Sean Astin as Bob Newby, who was Joyce’s old classmate. You may recognize Astin as Mikey from “The Goonies.” A challenge for the show will be attempting to find new actors that mesh well with the old ones.

This new season should also be introducing more storylines into the mix, like how Will is still recovering from his time escaping from the Upside Down, the return of Eleven and what happened to Chief Hopper.

If you really want to get into a series on Netflix but don’t have the attention span — or the time — to keep up with shows that have multiple seasons with even more episodes, “Stranger Things” may be the best show for you.

It is perfect for those who don’t like to “binge-watch.” The story never feels to drag on, and the pacing within the episodes works very well.

The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that there will definitely be a third season. They are hoping to conclude the series with a fourth.

If you’re a fan of Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter and Stephen King, check out “Stranger Things.”

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