The Leader
Life & Arts

“The Last Jedi” brings a galaxy far, far away to the silver screen

LeslieMartinezGarcia_Issue13_01.pngTRAVIS LEFEVRE

Scallion Editor


In 1977 “Star Wars: A New Hope” blessed the silver screen with a new addition to the sci-fi genre. 40 years later, the saga continues with “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”

In the second edition to the sequel trilogy, we see the return of Rey, Finn and Captain Phasma. Most importantly, however, we see Mark Hamill return as Luke Skywalker.

The story picks up where “The Force Awakens” left off, after the destruction of Starkiller Base with Rey beginning her training with Skywalker.

“The Last Jedi” has a lot of weight on its shoulders. The trailer revealed the return of many fan favorites and many new characters, including the adorable Porg. Fans are hoping that the biggest mystery of “The Force Awakens” will be revealed: the identity of Snoke, the Supreme Leader of The First Order (No, it won’t be Jar Jar Binks).

“The Force Awakens” was met with an overwhelming majority of people viewing it as a success. With the release of the trailers for “The Last Jedi,” the general consensus is positive with fans of the franchise.

“I’m excited,” said Fred DiLorenzo, a senior video production major. “After seeing ‘The Force Awakens,’ it really got me back into Star Wars.

I really didn’t care for ‘Rogue One’ as much, but I’m excited about how they’re going to bring back Luke into the universe and see where Rey lies.”

One of the big concerns for fans is the same issue that was present with “The Force Awakens”: spoilers. With the release of Episode 7 came a plethora of people spoiling the biggest event of the film. To the delight of trolls, the spoilers upset and outraged fans, depending on who is asked.

“I know there’s a lot of early screenings and stuff can get leaked.

I think I’m going to stay off Facebook for a week before it is released,” DiLorenzo said.

“I went into [The Force Awakens] knowing that one of my favorite characters was going to die.”

The spoiler fiasco

of “The Force Awakens” has not gone unnoticed by the cast. In a tweet, Hamill asked that fans be courteous of each other.

“Let me take this opportunity to personally ask you to keep all that happens in

#TheLastJedi a secret for as long as is humanly possible. Thanking you ALL in advance, – mh

#LooseLipsSinkStarships,” he tweeted.

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is rated PG-13 and e released Friday,

  1. 15, 2017.


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