The Leader
Life & Arts

A frightful Fredonia favorite: Terror in the Trees returns


Special to the Leader


It’s that time of the year again: pumpkin carvings, apple pickings and running through corn mazes and haunted houses.

And yet, the woods near the clock tower sit untouched until it’s their time to cause terror on campus.

Terror in the Trees is an annual event produced by the Interactive Theater Society (ITS).

ITS is a student run club on campus that holds four events each year.

“In the Fall semester we host Terror in the Trees, Applause for Paws, and in the spring we host a Dinner Murder Mystery and Quarantine (an escape room),” said Kirsten Soos, a senior theatre arts major and president of the Interactive Theater Society group.

This year’s theme is alien invasion and as you walk through the forest you are greeted by both aliens and humans alike.

“As you walk through the woods, you are greeted by our heros, having survived the invasion for the past twenty years. They need your help to get through the woods and will do their best to protect you from the alien parasites and infected human bodies,” said Soos.

ITS has done Terror in the Trees for about nine years.

“[The event started] long before I was on campus,” said Soos.

“My favorite part of this years event is the one character who follows you, and he’s pretty crazy. He screams a lot, and will loosely follow the group,” said Emily Hamilton, who is the Vice President of ITS. “He spins what you say and says it right back to you.”

The entire performance is done by Fredonia students of all majors, not just theater majors. The ITS takes all students, especially ones that are interested in makeup, lights, script writing, acting and marketing.

“Our actors have some pretty extensive special effects makeup, with boils, wounds, glowing contacts and lots of layers to protect them from the elements and the apocalypse,” said Soos.

The event is open to the general public.

“We have patrons from both SUNY Fredonia and the community; kids and families love to come through around Halloween to see a spooky show,” said Soos.

Terror in the Trees took place from Oct. 19-28.

ITS plans to hold the event again next year.

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