The Leader
Life & Arts

Club Spotlight: Sister Circle


Staff Writer

Building friendships and making a difference through community is one way to create empowerment for women.

Sister Circle is a club on the Fredonia campus that does just that, in a safe and open environment.

With an emphasis on women empowerment, the group’s primary goal is to empower members by creating an open environment for them to discuss, participate in volunteer service and learn about relevant issues that affect women of different ethnic backgrounds.

The group was founded 13 years ago by advisor Joyce Smith.

“This is an empowerment group, where students can have bonding experiences to share ideas, build positive relationships and give back and make a difference in community,” said Smith.

Junior music performance major X’zaya Ivy joined the group this semester.

She mentioned some of the topics that are based upon personal experiences of the group.

“I remember one meeting the topic was, ‘Don’t Drop Your Crown,’ and we were talking about the women in our life that inspire and lift us up,” said Ivy. “We also discussed double standards among men and women in regards to relationships, in the workplace, etc.”

Other topics have included gender roles, interracial relationships, civic-minded matters and more.

Volunteer service is another aspect of the group that Smith emphasized in the club’s mission statement.

Just last week, Sister Circle held a carnival at the Boys and Girls Club of Chautauqua County, a place that offers hope and opportunities for youth.

“Some other volunteer events were ‘Soaked,’ a fundraiser for women’s health, and ‘For our Daughters,’ an event to assist and provide for cancer patients,” said Smith.

With all of these events and opportunities, the group aims to motivate, inspire, build and grow.

“This is my first semester being a part of the group, and the meetings we have really open our eyes to other people’s perspectives and opinions, and it’s a great learning experience overall. I intend on going to the meetings next semester and on,” said Ivy.

Sister Circle meets Mondays at 8 p.m. in Williams Center S204.

If you have any questions or would like to join the club, contact Joyce Smith at Joyce.Smith@

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