The Leader
Life & Arts

Brews Under Review: Pantius Droppus


Editor in Chief


I’d like to give this review the same obligitory introduction that has been used by many before me. I’m no beer expert, or a beer connoisseur for that matter. I’m more of a hard liquor type of person myself which, depending on who you ask, might be problematic. But I digress.

Stepping back into Ellicottville Brewing Company felt like I was in a home-like place. The bar is situated right next to my apartment but I don’t visit it as much as I’d like, despite the fact that their beer cheese is on point. So what better time to go than right before class?

Sitting at the bar, I was perplexed. Usually, how these articles work is that the beer is the choice of the bartender. However, it’s been a while so I wasn’t entirely sure what we haven’t covered yet. Finally, it was decided that I would try Pantius Droppus, or Pants for short.

Despite the fact that it sounds like Tinder for the Harry Potter universe, Pants is an Dark Imperial IPA, and it sure does taste like it.

Darker than a Death Eater, Pants has something of a berry scent that wafts out of the spherical glass. As for the taste, it doesn’t pack too much of a punch. It kind of just tastes like dark beer, which is odd considering the fact that the speciality beers at EBC almost always have a special little something in the flavor. This, however, is just kind of beer-like with a bitter aftertaste.

Like I said before, beer isn’t exactly my forte. I’ll drink it, sure, but I also have a bad habit of getting sick of the way beer tastes rather quickly. I’ve been fortunate enough to not have this issue when I occasionally slam a bottle of Blueberry Wheat, but Pants didn’t offer that same luxery, as I found myself forcing the rest of it down my gullet about halfway through.

As beers go, I failed to find anything really special with Pants, aside from it’s funny name. I was told going into this that Pants is something of an acquired taste, and I’m forced to agree. That said, it’s a taste that I did not acquire on this day.

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