The Leader
Life & Arts

SUNY’S Got Your Back: Students volunteer to help survivors of violence


Special to The Leader

According to, “24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States.”

SUNY’s Got Your Back Started in 2016. It’s an initiative to provide comfort bags with personal hygiene products to local domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers.

More than 35,000 bags have been distributed to local shelters across the state since the program’s implementation.

This past Thursday, Fredonia hosted a SUNY’s Got Your Back event. The event was coordinated by the Counseling Center’s Prevention, Advocacy and Wellness Services (PAWS) program, together with the Health Center, Enrollment and Student Services, Title IX, Student Conduct, Residence Life, University Police, Intercultural Center and Athletics Department.

It was held in the Multipurpose Room of the Williams Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Julie Bezek, Prevention, Advocacy and Wellness Coordinator said, “My hope is students learn more about dating and domestic violence and help members of our community who are seeking shelter services.”

Deoniss Jackson, the senior class president at Fredonia said, “I believe it’s important to talk about these things, because one day it might be you that needs the help and support of others, especially after going through severe trauma.”

Victims usually enter centers, hospitals and shelters with only a little more than what they are wearing.

It makes the students feel good when they volunteer because they know that they affected someone positively, and possibly made their life a little easier.

Jackson said, “Personally, I do know someone that has been through domestic violence, and I hope day-by-day they get stronger and know that better days are coming.”

In addition to providing comfort bags to domestic violence victims, SUNY’s Got Your Back also provides Sexual Assault and Violence Response Resources, Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention & Response Course and TRAC: Training in Reducing Alcohol Consumption Online Trainings and Visa and Immigration Resources.

For more information, visit

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