Staff Writer

Being the new kid at school can be a challenge in itself. But, being from a foreign country can make adapting even harder. Fredonia’s International Buddy Program is here to help.
The International Buddy Program is a program that connects a SUNY Fredonia student with an international student. When the students get paired up, they have the opportunity to connect with each other. The Fredonia student is able to be a guide for the international student and also answer questions the student might have.
The international students involved in the program are able to have a one-on-one guide who can help them acclimate to Fredonia and the U.S. The program is mainly about building connections.
The program first started in Fall 2015. But during COVID-19, the program had a hard time running due to travel restrictions, preventing international students from coming to campus.
“The goal of the program is to connect an international student with a non-international student for the duration of a semester,” said Jacob Czelusta, assistant director of international student services.
This program is an amazing opportunity for both parties to expand their cultural understanding and their worldly knowledge.
Any Fredonia student is eligible to work with an international student. But, in previous years, Czelusta said that students who have previously studied abroad are the main source of the student body to get involved.
A large benefit for a mentor is that they have the opportunity to practice leadership skills and get more engaged in the campus community.
“International students can really benefit from having that extra contact person to help acclimate them to Fredonia and life in America,” Czelusta said.
If you are interested, please fill out an application. The International Education Office (ISS) will then reach out to you to confirm your participation. The program will begin with a “Meet and Greet” event on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 6 p.m. in the Williams Center.