Special to The Leader

When the sun comes out, so do the a cappella groups.
One such group, The Guerillas, hosted a show to kick off the warm spring weather. The show took place on April 8 at 7 p.m. and included performances from other Fredonia a cappella groups, Premium Blend and Dynamic Intonation.
The Guerillas make music and memories together performing at different shows that put together the vocal ranges of each member, and this spring show was a representation of their abilities.
Andrew Palmer, a sophomore music education major with a concentration in bassoon, has been a part of The Guerillas since Fall 2021. He is now president of the group and said, “Three rehearsals weekly that equate to about five hours a week, shows how everyone puts their [best effort] into making sure that we are ready for performances like this one.”
The talent of this a cappella group is showcased through their hard work and dedication, arranging pieces unique to their group and their attributes.
An important aspect of each of these productions is the songs chosen to be laid out for the audience to enjoy. For this, the group works diligently to arrange the pieces perfectly to fit the vocal range of each member.
This spring presentation included the songs, “Some Nights” by Fun, “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac, “I Get Around” by the Beach Boys and a favorite of the night, “Burnin’ Up” by the Jonas Brothers.
Though the performances entail a lot of practice, friendships and fun are the main focus of The Guerillas. Brendan Mathewson, a freshman music education major with a focus in voice, joined the group this spring semester and said, “I love it. I have made so many new friends that make this experience even more special than it already is.”
Mathewson arranged the piece “Some Nights” and performed a solo.
Megan Wilson, a freshman music education major listening in the audience said, “My favorite part was hearing the vocals come together to create a song(s) that sounded better than the original version(s).”
After the rehearsals, practices and arrangements, The Guerillas were able to create a show that brought together different songs, and channeled the vocal talents of the group.
Palmer said,“Doing something outside of regular curricular classes is something that really allows us to release some steam and just have fun together as a group,”
If you are interested in watching this a cappella group perform, the upcoming show dates are April 22 at 8 p.m. and May 13 at 8 p.m.