The Leader
Life & Arts

Spectrum’s annual Spring Escape set to attract hundreds of students


Staff Writer

Students participate in Spring Escape 2022. Photo by Courtney Woodring, Special to The Leader

On April 23, from noon to 4 p.m., Spectrum Entertainment Board, the club that holds public on-campus events, will be holding its second annual Spring Escape in the Williams Center.

“It’s sort of like a carnival-fair sort of day,” said Rowan Potzler, Spectrum’s treasurer. 

The carnival theme extends to all aspects of the event, including food and planned activities. There will be an excess of both, allowing everyone to find something they’ll enjoy. 

The food, which will be a major draw for most students, will include churros, fruit kabobs and corn dogs, amongst other carnival food. Desserts include cotton candy, snow cones, funnel cake sticks and soft pretzels; there will be lemonade, fruit punch and water for drinks.

Activities will include airbrush tattoos, two caricature artists and two escape rooms with a “magic potions” theme. There will be a photo booth for students to take photos with their friends.

Students will also have the opportunity to create their own stuff-a-bears, which will be given away for free. There will only be approximately 100 of each, so “if you want a stuff-a-bear, get there as soon as it opens, because those are going to go fast,” Potzler said. “I would be surprised if we had any left over by 2 p.m.”

Spring Escape 2022’s stuff-a-bears were goats, sheeps and cats, but this semester students were able to vote for what animals they wanted on Spectrum’s Instagram story. Planned designs include dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, frogs and pigs. Unfortunately, choices such as panda stuffies did not make the cut.

Last year’s Spring Escape was a huge success, with over 300 students showing up for the relatively short event. It was planned rather quickly, with the then-new E-board wanting to pull something together for the spring semester in a rush. This year’s event is hoping to garner more of an audience than last year.

Within the last year, Spectrum has also run several welcome week events, such as screenings of “Shrek” and “Shrek 2,” trivia nights, their annual Hanging of the Greens event in December, as well as working with ResLife to host the Halloween Bash last October. 

After Spring Escape, their next event will be Dinosaur Bar-B-Que visiting campus on May 13, which is another yearly occurrence. 

Spectrum would like to thank Campus Life, and specifically Spectrum advisors Rachel Martin and Caitlyn Cybart, for their generous support. These events wouldn’t be possible without them.

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