The Leader

Conservative Corner: The first Democratic Debate


Staff Writer


The Democrats held their first presidential debate on Oct. 13, hosted by Facebook and CNN. And, oh boy, was it apparent that none of them have any real solutions to the problems our country is facing.

Senator Marco Rubio, one of the Republican candidates running, summed it up perfectly the next day on “Fox and Friends.”

“It was basically a liberal versus liberal debate about who was going to give away the most free stuff,” he said.

None of the five candidates who were on the stage were able to actually provide any details to the plans they suggested. Senator Bernie Sanders promised everything from free college to free healthcare but provided little information on how he was going to pay for these programs.

The only explanation that Sanders gave for free college was that he was going to pay for this with a speculation tax on Wall Street. This speculation tax that Sanders is proposing would essentially be a 0.1 percent sales tax on Wall Street. According to a Huffington Post article, this would only create roughly $130 billion a year. This is not nearly enough to fix the huge rising costs of college in this country.

Both Hillary Clinton and Sanders are so out-of-touch with reality that they believe people who are illegally in this country should receive free health care. It’s crazy that two serious, prospective presidential candidates want these kind of policies.

The most nausea-inducing moments of the debate occurred every time Clinton tried to hide her cold cruel side and pretended to be a normal, relatable person. I am almost half-convinced that she is a robot. Even her laughs seemed programmed.

Clinton, one of the most notorious flip-floppers in politics on almost every issue, could barely defend against her flip-flopping when asked about it by moderator Anderson Cooper.

“Will you do anything to get elected?” Cooper asked Clinton.

She would then give the typical response most politicians do: that they have evolved with their beliefs over time.

Cooper even went as far as to ask Clinton if she was a progressive or a moderate. Clinton then gave a very focus-group-tested reply with, “I’m a progressive — but I’m a progressive that likes to get things done.”

Clinton gave such an awful, shallow answer to a question Cooper asked about how to avoid a third Obama administration. The reason Clinton is different than Obama, according to her, is because she is a woman. This country cannot afford a third Obama term with a compulsive liar and fake person like Clinton.

One moment did stand out to me the most, and it almost made me throw something at the TV. Cooper started to question Clinton about her email scandal and her lack of ethical standards. Shortly after, Sanders said he didn’t think they should be talking about Clinton’s email scandal and her obvious lack of ethics.

“The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails … enough of the emails,” said Sanders, while looking at Clinton.

Clinton broke the law by refusing to use an official State Department email account — using a private email instead — basically going against the Freedom of Information Act. Sanders went so far as to say that this was not a “real issue” they should be discussing.

Clinton, the opportunist that she is, saw her chance to look like a real person and gave her best fake handshake to Sanders and her signature focus-group-tested laugh.

To make things even worse, the next day the media and the party establishment leaders had to lie about poll results and call Clinton the winner of the debate.

Many of the major news media of this country declared that Clinton was the winner of the debate, including CNN. But polls conducted on average people showed that Sanders overwhelmingly defeated Clinton. CNN even went as far as taking down this poll to make it seem like Clinton was the winner and not Sanders.

If the Democrats hope to win any election any time soon, they might need to start giving some details to these grandiose promises they love to make.


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