The Leader

Dirty deed duty


Special to The Leader


A fishy smell has taken over Washington, as the situation with President Donald Trump’s hired hush-money man, Michael Cohen, has stepped forward tainting Trump’s image.

“I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds,” Cohen said, when coming forward about paying off two women during the 2016 campaign that stated that Trump had an affair with them.

Knowing that these two women could risk the chances of Trump winning the presidency, Cohen paid off the two women to keep their mouths closed.

“I blame myself for the conduct which has brought me here today, and it was my own weakness and a blind loyalty to this man,” Cohen said.

Cohen has been sentenced to 3 years in prison, for a “veritable smorgasbord of fraudulent conduct.” Cohen has also pleaded guilty for tax evasion and lying to Congress.

In the beginning of Cohen’s sentencing, Trump stated that he had no idea about the pay off. Now, his story has changed as he now, according the the New York Times said, “He insisted that the payments were a ‘simple private transaction.’”

However, there is much skepticism in Cohen’s statements, considering he already lied before. If what Cohen says it true, it could potentially take Trump out of the White House. Cohen claims he came forward with these allegations against Trump because his family was being threatened.

Cohen worked as Trump’s image protector, and it’s questionable how well of a job he did.

But is it true?

Only evidence will help Cohen’s

statements about Trump. During his testimony, though, Cohen brought in proof that Trump accessed funds that he wasn’t supposed to while being in office.

This will result in a more intensive look behind Trump’s presidency and what he has been doing behind closed doors. It is hard to tell who is telling the truth, who is covering up for who and what the real story is. Over the next couple weeks, hopefully, more evidence is found to uncover the real truth behind the scenes of the inner circle of Trump.


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