The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #1

[UPDATE, 1:47pm, 3/12/2020: Information in this article is outdated. New information can be found here: Coronavirus Memo #2]

Dear Campus Community:

Governor Cuomo this afternoon announced that all SUNY and CUNY colleges will move to distance learning for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester, effective March 19, “to limit the exposure of students, faculty and staff to COVID-19.” This is a major shift in our learning and living environment for students, faculty, and staff.

Because this announcement is so fresh, we are in the early stages of planning on several fronts:

Life on Campus

Students will be receiving guidance from Residence Life, which will assist most students in moving out of the residence halls on or before March 19. Students who have special circumstances (i.e. international students) or are unable to move out by March 19 should contact the Office of Residential Life (located in Gregory Hall) to make arrangements. 

[RELATED: How the Coronavirus is affecting campus]

As far as dining on campus this spring:

●     Starbucks and Cranston Marche are likely to remain open.

●     The Campus Bookstore and Tim Hortons are likely to remain open, but with reduced hours. 

●     Willie C’s, Blue Devil Grill, and the cafes are likely to be closed.


The Provost’s Office will communicate with faculty to give guidance on providing distance learning.  On or before Monday, March 23, faculty will contact students via email to provide information on how the distance education associated with completing their course will be addressed.  All semester courses will finish by no later than Friday, May 15.

As this is a new development announced by SUNY, Fredonia and all campuses are waiting on guidance from SUNY as it pertains to financial considerations.


All staff should report as normal, and will receive further guidance in the future.

Commencement, Other Campus Events

At this time, the status of Commencement 2020 and other campus events originally scheduled to occur after March 19 is unknown.

I regret the disruption to the lives of our students, faculty, and staff.  More information will be forthcoming in the coming days, and please continue to check the top of the campus website

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of transition.


Dennis L. Hefner, Ph.D.

Interim President

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