The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #2

[UPDATE, 8:02pm, 3/12/2020: Information in this article may be outdated. New information can be found here: Coronavirus Memo #3]

Dear Campus Community:

This is the second memo regarding the campus response to yesterday’s announcement by the Governor. If you did not see yesterday’s memo, it is available by clicking on the top of

I want to thank the number of people who wrote to me with their questions and concerns. We are in uncharted waters, and directives and decisions can be changed several times.  Thanks to updated guidance from SUNY, as well as feedback from students, parents, faculty, and staff, we have several updates below, so please read carefully.

Campus Operations.  The Fredonia campus will remain open.  We will be holding all classes in a distance education format following Spring Break.  Students will be contacted by their faculty via email by no later than Monday, March 23 about the nature of the distance learning approach to be used to complete their courses. Faculty have full access to their offices and campus resources.

Residence Halls.  This is the biggest update from yesterday’s message.  The campus approach to this issue has now been clarified.  In keeping with the Governor’s directive, students will be able to perform their distance education from home.  However, students may, with valid reasons, decide to remain in their residence hall through Spring Break and/or the rest of the semester, and certainly can do so.  We ask that you notify the Office of Residence Life to discuss your housing needs.

[RELATED: [EMAIL REPOST] Message #2 – Residence Life Information]

Room and Board Costs.  This is the most frequently asked question as it relates to distance learning.  It is one of the items SUNY will be reviewing closely, but so far, we have received no information or guidance.

Spring Break.  In keeping with the Governor’s directive, you should avoid activities and locations with high numbers of individuals in order to minimize the chance of contracting or spreading the virus.  If you develop any flu-like symptoms while at home, please take care of yourself, consult a health care provider if necessary, and do not return to campus until you have fully recovered.  Please be considerate of the entire student body.

Food Service.  The exact configuration of food service following Spring Break will be announced once the number of students remaining in the residence halls is known.

Student Shows and Performances.  At this time, student shows and performance activities are likely to be cancelled, or handled in a different way. We will continue to work on procedures and will keep you updated.

Campus Facilities.  It is anticipated that students requiring access to specialized academic campus facilities (e.g.—laboratories) and equipment will be accommodated.  The Provost’s Council and the Academic Affairs Coronavirus Task Force is working to develop solutions.

Campus Life Activities.  No “large-scale” campus life activities will occur for the rest of the semester.  Small-scale community building programs and activities will occur in residential facilities.

Commencement.  As mentioned yesterday, the decision on holding Commencement will be made at a later date.

Professional/Clerical.  All staff will continue reporting to work as normal, unless otherwise directed.

I hope this memo answers some of your questions, and appreciate your patience during these trying and

unprecedented times. We will continue to keep you updated as frequently as possible.


Dennis L. Hefner, Ph.D.

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