The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Message #2 – Residence Life Information

Message sent on behalf of the Office of Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services:Dear Residential Students:
We hope that you  are taking care of yourselves and finding ways to decompress during what is a stressful circumstance.  After further campus discussions on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and its impact, we wish to share additional information with you.
As a follow up to President Hefner’s email that was sent earlier entitled, Coronavirus Memo #2 regarding the move to distance learning effective March 23rd, residence hall students can continue to live in your traditional hall or townhouse, and will be provided all residential and campus services as usual.  However, given the flexibility offered via online and alternate instruction modes, you may choose to return home.  Since Spring Break begins on March 14th, if resident students choose to leave campus housing early, now is a good opportunity to move their belongings.  Please note that moving out early is a personal choice, and students are financially responsible for all Spring 2020 housing (and if applicable, meal plan charges).  Students who opt to stay in the residence halls must complete a short application indicating this intent.  All students who complete the application will be approved.  The application is available through the MyHousing portal in YourConnection (YourConnection, Students, then MyHousing).
Additional information will be communicated to all members of the campus community as it becomes available. Thanks so much for your patience.

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