The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Re: Update Regarding Continuity of Academic Instruction

From:              Kevin P. Kearns, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date:               12 March 2020

I am writing to provide clarification on the Governor’s announcement and my previous memo regarding continuation of academic instruction. SUNY and CUNY campuses remain open, and we have been directed by the Governor to transition to digital learning. An excerpt from Governor Cuomo’s press release is listed here:

“The Governor also announced the State University of New York and the City University of New York will implement plans to maximize distance learning and reduce in-person classes, beginning March 19th, for the remainder of the Spring semester in light of the evolving novel coronavirus situation in New York. All campuses will develop plans catered to the campus and curriculum-specific needs while reducing density in the campus environment to help slow possibility for exposures to novel coronavirus. Distance learning and other options will be developed by campuses.”

Lisa Melohusky and a team of faculty will be available all semester to assist you as you transition your teaching to a digital format. Open sessions are scheduled today from 12-4 pm, and tomorrow from 10-4 pm in W207 Thompson. These sessions are being offered to answer your initial questions and provide guidance and support during this transition to digital instruction. Additional in person and virtual sessions, and additional on-demand resources will be provided starting next week. Questions about the digital transition should be sent to

Please be assured that faculty will have access to their offices, labs and campus resources. I will be working closely with the Provost’s Council and an Academic Affairs Coronavirus Task Force to support faculty and students during this challenging transition. We will be meeting regularly to address the many issues and questions that will occur as a result of this transition.

I will provide updates as I have them. Once again, I wish to thank you for your efforts on behalf of Fredonia and your students.

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