The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Information Regarding Continuity of Academic Instruction

To:       Fredonia Students

From:  Kevin P. Kearns, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date:   18 March 2020

Re:      Information Regarding Continuity of Academic Instruction

 As you know, Governor Cuomo has directed all SUNY and CUNY schools to transition classroom-based learning to a digital format, effective March 19th. This extraordinary measure is being taken to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and protect the health and safety of our students and their families. Fredonia is committed to your academic success and I can assure you that our faculty and staff are here to support you through this challenging transition. You will hear from your professors by March 23 with plans for completing the semester. They are working diligently to prepare messages and updates for everyone in their courses.

What can I expect?

Distance learning refers to a teaching modality where professors and students are not meeting face to face in a classroom. Your professors will communicate with you about using the options that work best for each course. They will work with you on completion of course requirements for the remainder of the semester.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind as you transition to digital instruction:

●     Distance learning formats and requirements will vary from course to course. Do not assume that the requirements will be the same for all of your courses.

●     You should log into your courses daily and follow your Professor’s instructions.

●     Online learning requires a great deal of discipline and independence. Good time management is critical for success. You should consider establishing a daily routine for each of your courses that will help you adapt to digital learning and keep you from falling behind in your courses.

While courses are transitioning to digital instruction, campus student support services – such as Reed Library (, advising, and academic offices – will be available to you online, by phone, and by email. Information about campus services and  student resources is available at  “Keep on Teaching & Learning.” This information is being updated daily as additional information becomes available.

Where should I start?

●     It is important that you check your Fredonia email daily, since this is how the campus and faculty will be communicating with you.

●     As of March 23, log into each of your courses in OnCourse daily. Once in OnCourse, look for messages in the News Forum, as well as other directions posted by your faculty.

●     Check for student resources on digital learning and non-classroom based learning experiences.

●     A coronavirus information link is available on our website and will be updated regularly (

●     If you have difficulty logging into these platforms, call the ITS Service Center at 716.673.3407 or email

What if I am doing student teaching, a practicum, internship or other non-classroom based learning?

Internships, field practicum placements, student teaching, clinical instruction and other forms of learning that are non-classroom based will also be offered digitally, but outcomes and assignments may need to be altered. Information about these non-classroom based offerings is updated on the site. Individuals overseeing these activities will communicate specific instructions for your courses as soon as they are available.

Important Changes to the Academic Calendar

Given the challenges of transitioning to a digital teaching format, the following changes are being made to the academic calendar. These changes will give students more time to adapt and prepare for the remainder of the semester and the fall. The “Revised” dates (below) are the new deadlines for midterm grades, advising, fall course registration, and withdrawal form courses or teh university.

Where can I find additional information?

Check for resources and updates. This site includes resources and information for students on academic supports such as tutoring, Reed Library resources and support, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Please do not hesitate to contact Interim Associate Provost Carmen Rivera if you have any questions or concerns during this transition.  Your health and safety are our utmost concern, and our faculty is committed to ensuring your educational success.

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