The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #8

Dear Campus Community:
The safety of the SUNY Fredonia community is our top priority.  State directives to campuses continue to evolve as the number of COVID-19 cases increases.  These directives have changed some of the advice we are providing to students:
Residence Hall Update.  Guidance from New York State and SUNY now urge all students, if possible, to return home, with the exception of three categories:

  • international students who are unable to return home
  • students who have limited or no access to technology at home
  • students who do not currently have a safe or healthy home environment

If you are not in one of these categories, you should plan on completing the remainder of the semester from home.  We guarantee that you will be able to complete your semester credits, regardless of where you are located. 
Financial Considerations.  In light of the new directive, the deadline for notifying the Office of Residence Life about moving from the residence halls and notifying FSA of meal plan discontinuance has been extended to Friday, March 20, 2020.  Notification must be received by tomorrow in order to be eligible for the 50% credit/refund.
Students Living Off-Campus. We also encourage students who live off-campus and currently are away from campus to stay where you are.  Unless you have circumstances that prevent you from completing your studies at your primary residence, the message remains the same for you and your health and safety, and those around you.
Notification of Distance Education Assignments.  Students will be notified by each of their faculty via email by no later than Monday, March 23 of the distance education alternative that will be used for the remainder of the semester.
Change in Academic Calendar.  Given the challenges of transitioning to distance education, four changes were made in the academic calendar:
                        Midterm Grades DUE                  April 1
                        Advising Sessions                      April 6-17
                        Course Registration Begins       April 14
                        Course/University Withdrawal    April 27
Faculty-Staff Fund.  A Student Emergency Relief Fund, initiated by faculty and staff, has been established through the Fredonia College Foundation to assist students financially who face unexpected expenses related to the healthcare crisis.  The fund is intended to alleviate hardship related to moving to a digital education format.  These funds are limited, but we will do our best to assist students, which may also mean directing you to other resources.  If you need emergency assistance, apply on-line via the link provided on the Coronavirus Updates and FAQ website.


Dennis L. Hefner, Ph.D.
Interim President

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