The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] [FacultyStaff] Protocol for employees who report symptoms of illness associated with COVID-19

From: President’s Office
Date: Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:24 PM

To:      Faculty and Staff                                                                                         
From:  Dennis Hefner, Interim President 
Date:   March 19, 2020
Re:      Protocol for employees who report symptoms of illness associated with COVID-19

Human Resources has received information from the Executive Chamber regarding protocol for employees who report symptoms of illness associated with COVID-19.  In an effort to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 on our campus,  all employees must adhere to the protocols below.
All New York State employees must monitor themselves for possible symptoms, such as:
• fever
• cough
• shortness of breath
• respiratory infection/distress
Any employee experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 shall not report to work.  They shall immediately report symptoms to their supervisor AND the Human Resources Director via email or telephone conversation.  The Human Resources Director’s email is and the phone number is …  It is imperative that the employee make this contact directly to both individuals, and not pass information through their supervisor to HR or vice versa.   Employees must be fully recovered and showing no symptoms before reporting to work.
Similarly, if an employee has been in contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19 or that is in quarantine awaiting test results, they shall not report to work.  Employees shall immediately inform their supervisor AND the Human Resources Director via email or telephone conversation.  The Human Resources Director will determine appropriate next steps based on Department of Health Guidance re: contacts of contacts.  The CDC recommended time for self-quarantine related to exposure to a confirmed case is 14 calendar days

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