The Leader

[EMAIL REPOST] Coronavirus Memo #9

Dear Campus Community:

Below are a number of items of importance:
Residence Hall Recommendation (Repeat).  Guidance from New York State and SUNY now urge all students, if possible, to return home, with the exception of three categories:

  • international students who are unable to return home
  • students who have limited or no access to technology at home
  • students who do not currently have a safe or healthy home environment

If you are not in one of these categories, you are expected to complete the remainder of the semester from home.  We guarantee that you will be able to complete your semester credits, regardless of where you are located. 

Retrieving Student Belongings and Move-out.  Before traveling to Fredonia to retrieve your belongings,please contact your Residence Director in advance to establish arrangements for any return.   If you or a family member is ill, please email to make alternative arrangements.  Please be assured your belongings will remain safe.  For more information please contact the Office of Residence life, 716-673-3341, or visit

Distance Education Support Information.  Remote classes begin on Monday, March 23.  As a reminder, support information prepared by the Academic Affairs division to assist with continuity of instruction is available from

Campus Contact Protocols.  As the campus enters the distance education phase of the semester, certain protocols will be followed by all campus offices.  We ask your help to slow the spread of coronavirus by emailing or calling with questions rather than coming directly to the office (many answers are already listed on the FAQ page at  If you need to meet with someone, please make an appointment.  The Governor’s two most recent directives has greatly reduced the number of staff remaining on campus, so many campus offices are only available remotely.  If there is no answer when you call, please send an email to the appropriate office, and someone will get back to you.  Contact information for all offices is available at by entering the department and clicking on the website.

Mental Health Wellness Support Information.  SUNY Fredonia recognizes that the recent events and disruptions due to COVID-19 may be causing significant stress and negative impact on the mental health of our campus community.  To help you cope during this time, our Counseling Center has provided the following helpful tips:

  • Keep things in perspective.  It is totally normal and okay to have some worry about COVID-19, but keeping things in perspective can help to manage the stress and worry.  Reflect on what you have done in the past to overcome challenging times and share supportive and resilience-building resources with each other via phone, social media, and video calls.
  • Communicate with your social support system to minimize the impacts of isolation and promote well-being.  Focus on routines, schedules, and preparedness plans to help decrease distress.  Maintain connections without increasing your risk by talking on the phone, texting or chatting with people on social media platforms.
  • Practice patience and be kind.  Many are experiencing stress during this time and a little extra patience and kindness can go a long way.
  • Seek additional help when necessary.  Reach out for support services utilizing online and call-in options to reduce exposure.  The SUNY Fredonia Counseling Center is available for student support via tele-services (secure video-conferencing).  Call 716-673-3424 to consult with a mental health clinician and schedule a teletherapy session.  See the Counseling Center website for more information and services as well as emotional wellness and self-help resources.  No matter where you are, you can utilize the following resources for crisis support: Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-6255 or see for a chat option), or text HOME to 741741 for free 24/7 crisis support in the U.S.:

       There are a number of wellness resources available on the Counseling 

       Center website at  

Timing and Procedure for Credits/Refunds.  The campus expects to send every student information on the total credits they will receive next fall 2020.  This information will be sent sometime in April.  At the same time, a form for applying for refunds in lieu of credits for graduates and for those with academic programs requiring completion of requirements at a distant location will be made available.  We will work as quickly as possible to process these forms, but ask for your patience given the high volume of requests that will require processing.

Letter from SUNY Chancellor.  Chancellor Kristina Johnson has sent a letter for distribution to all SUNY students.  You can access this letter at
This will likely be the last memo you will receive during Spring Break.  Please enjoy the weekend and stay safe.  This unique semester resumes on Monday!
Dennis L. Hefner, Ph.D.
Interim President

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