The Leader

What will the fall 2021 semester look like?


Asst. News Editor

As the Spring 2021 semester comes to a close, many SUNY Fredonia students are left with a lot of questions. 

Will we have in-person classes next semester? Will we still have to partake in weekly testing? 

Are vaccines going to be mandatory next semester? What about study abroad opportunities? 

With a plethora of unanswered questions and uncertainties, we don’t know much. 

Several aspects of next semester are unknown. Many of the offices on campus have reported that they are still awaiting guidance from SUNY. 

Although we don’t know much, here’s what we do know: 

In-Person Instruction:

According to SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras, SUNY plans to allow in-person instruction next semester. 

Academic Affairs has released a statement detailing that they hope for Fredonia to return to the normal academic calendar and face-to-face instruction like many of the other SUNY campuses. 

As they finalize the fall schedule, Academic Affairs will continue to comply with SUNY and CDC COVID guidelines. 

Regarding increasing vaccination rates and availability, Academic Affairs believes we will be able to safely resume in-person classes in the fall. 

Recognizing the risk of in-person instruction, Academic Affairs said, “Although we are looking forward to seeing everyone back on campus, we recognize that things can change quickly. In the event that we must reduce the number of students in classrooms, instructors will have plans to ensure the continuity of learning.”

Many students look forward to having in-person classes. 

One Fredonia student, Hunter Halterman, is happy to see this shift. 

“I think that it’ll be much better for learning rather than sitting over a Zoom call,” he said. 

Kevin Kearns, the interim provost and vice president of Academic Affairs said: “Given the increasing availability of vaccinations we are cautiously optimistic that it will be safe to resume our long tradition of in-person instruction and service for our students.”

Classes will begin on Aug. 23. 

Academic Affairs will provide further updates as they become available.


Currently, Fredonia does not know what the CDC and SUNY guidelines will be for wearing masks in the fall. 

The CDC is reviewing guidelines for vaccinated individuals, which may lead to a change in policy as more data is gathered. 

Until more guidance is available, all students and staff will be required to wear masks in classes and public spaces on campus. 

“In general, I do not anticipate any changes in our current protocols until further federal and SUNY policy guidance is available,” Kearns said.

The campus mask mandate is likely to remain the same in the Fall 2021 semester. 


Regarding testing, Fredonia is awaiting guidance from SUNY. 

Over the summer, SUNY Fredonia plans to test employees and students remaining on campus. 

The Pool Testing Office plans to continue testing in the Fall Semester; however, they are unsure how often. 

“At this point we have no idea what the testing rate will be in the fall,” the Pool Testing Office said via email correspondence. “We hope to get guidance from SUNY in July.”

While they are still unsure of the exact frequency, Malatras explained that SUNY Fredonia will have a testing policy, but individuals will be tested less often. 

Although SUNY expects most students to be vaccinated come next semester, it may be beneficial to monitor and record data on how the different variants of COVID-19 impact the vaccines. 

“Honestly, I am okay with the testing,” said Alex Erwin, a SUNY Fredonia student. “If it helps stop outbreaks, I’m all for it.” 


Many questions have been raised about mandatory vaccinations for all students.

Campuses SUNY-wide are working to vaccinate as many students, staff and community members as possible. 

SUNY is running multiple public awareness campaigns such as #ItsYourTurn to encourage peer communication and #KnowYourVax to combat misinformation surrounding vaccines. 

If not enough students, faculty and staff are vaccinated by next semester, SUNY will consider a mandatory vaccine. 

Surveys may be conducted soon to gather data on the amount of people vaccinated. 

Study Abroad: 

Currently, the Office of International Education is waiting for further guidance from SUNY in regard to Fall 2021 study abroad programs.

This information, once provided, will include which programs are available to reopen and the protocols SUNY students will need to follow in order to participate. 

According to the Office of International Education, “There are a number of variables that must be considered in the decision-making process, such as specific travel/entry protocols for different countries and our partner institutions that reside within them.”

Once provided with more information from SUNY, the Office of International Education will provide students and staff with details. 

The Office of International Education is also gathering information from the Department of State, the CDC and partner universities abroad to help make the decision. 

There are still study abroad events happening via Zoom to provide students with information regarding potential future opportunities.

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