The Leader

Kappa Sigma & Sigma Kappa bidding support for community food drive 

Will Karr

Life & Arts Editor 

The holidays are not only a time when we receive gifts, but the season also provides opportunities for us to be able to give back to others. 

Two Greek life organizations, the fraternity Kappa Sigma and the sorority Sigma Kappa, will be teaming up for a food drive outside of the Lakeshore Savings Clocktower on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“People can donate any sort of non-perishable food item; it’s very much Thanksgiving, so any Thanksgiving food [donations are specifically appreciated]. It’s really [intended] for families who maybe can’t afford to buy anything for Thanksgiving, ” said Michael Voytko, community relations specialist for Kappa Sigma. 

Members of Kappa Sigma and Sigma Kappa will be stationed outside of the clocktower, so participants can feel free to drive by anytime during the event and donate items, without having to leave the comfort of their vehicle. 

“We’ve had a good relationship with Sigma Kappa, but our groups just haven’t really interacted much, so we’re trying to change that,” Voytko said. “We have been trying to plan as many community service events as possible.” 

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