The Leader

SUNY Chancellor King visits Fredonia


Special to The Leader

On Monday, March 6, SUNY Chancellor John B. King, Jr. came to visit Fredonia’s campus. 

King was appointed as SUNY’s 15th Chancellor on Dec. 5, 2022, and he aims to visit every SUNY campus before the end of the semester. Fredonia is the 22nd SUNY campus King has toured since his appointment. With 64 unique campuses, SUNY is the largest comprehensive system of public higher education in the United States. 

During his afternoon tour, King spoke with student leaders of the Student Association and President’s Student Cabinet in Cranston Marche. 

While on campus, King was led on guided tours by President Student Ambassadors. He visited the newly renovated Houghton Hall and Science Center, as well as the fine arts departments in Mason Hall and Rockefeller Arts Center. 

Before ending his tour in the Science Center Atrium with a faculty and staff reception, King briefly stopped by the Williams Center to engage with ResLife, Intercultural Center and Honors Program students. 

Chancellor King with student leaders at Cranston Marche. From left to right: Kristin White, Nick Wittmeyer, Stephen Wright, Alyssa Bump, Reganae Walters and Dan Quagliana with Chancellor King. All photos by CASSIDY PIERCE. 

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