The Leader

Student resources for the Israel/Palestine Conflict

Graphic by Henry Domst, Design Editor


Editor in Chief

The Leader has been making a strong effort to cover the Israel/Palestine Conflict as the event unfolds. 

We, as a student-run publication, have attempted to cover the event as best as we, as students, can understand. 

The Israel/Palestine Conflict is an extremely complex situation with a deep history of in-depth foreign policy. 

There is not currently an expert on Middle Eastern politics and international affairs on Fredonia’s campus. 

While there are professors in the Department of Politics and International Affairs with extensive knowledge in their studies and many current events, there is no one on campus with the expertise in the entirety of the event with all of its important details. 

Thus, The Leader has been seeking accurate information as much as possible. 

We have consulted Dr. Jonathan Chausovsky, an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and International Affairs for some resources. 

Our goal, as a fully student-run publication, is to inform and educate the student body. 

Below is a list of resources with which students can begin to educate themselves further on the conflict. 

Institute for the Study of War

This resource provides daily updates on various global events as well as the Israel/Palestine Conflict. 

Nicholas Kristof – The New York Times

Kristof is an opinion writer for The New York Times. 

He has written some important and informative pieces regarding the treatment of Palestinians throughout the conflict with Israel. 

Lawfare Media

This article provides further background information on the Israeli government, especially the Israeli Supreme Court. 

This piece also provides information on how the Israeli Government is able to ignore international law when in regards to the rights of Palestinians living in the West Bank. 

Various Books

There are also a variety of books available to purchase on the conflict. 

Examples include: 

  • The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine: From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace by Michael Scott-Baumann 
  • The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Beginner’s Guide to Objective Understanding Through a Fact-Based Journey From Past to Present by Peter Schwartzman

Or, to avoid purchasing through Amazon, we recommend speaking to employees at your local bookstore or library to see any historical books or political commentary on the conflict they may hold in their connection. 

The Leader is also always looking for members of the campus community to provide their perspectives on the issue. 

We have attempted to search for Palestinian students here on campus, but have been unsuccessful in our search. 

If you would like to discuss how this conflict impacts you, please contact us at

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