The Leader

Editorial: Registration: The good, the bad, the breeze

For the most part, your very first schedule is made for you when you come to Fredonia for the first time. It’s like the university wants students to think that creating a schedule and registering for classes is a breeze. But then, when it comes time for the second semester, it’s up to the student to figure out what he or she is doing.

Sure, each student is assigned an adviser. But in reality, we’re the masters of our own destinies. Theoretically, academic advisers function to make sure their advisees graduate on time with all the classes they need. But let’s face it, that doesn’t always happen and advising week, then actually registering for classes, can be stressful.  

For me, more often than not, registering for classes has been like putting together a puzzle,” said one Leader staff member. “With two majors and two minors, the pressure to graduate on time, and take all the courses I need, made me anxious. I was always running around getting signatures on override slips for various reasons.”

But luckily for that staff member, she’s a senior and just registered for classes for the very last time. Applying for graduation will be the final test.

“Registration has always been hell for me, as a student who has always been ahead of her class standing based on credits,” said another Leader staff member. “I thought maybe, for my final semester, I wouldn’t need any overrides. I’ve so far needed four. Last semester, I needed six.

“I am eternally thankful to have an adviser who knows what I need to take and knows exactly which classes are right for me,” she continued. “If you have a bad adviser, do yourself a favor and get a better one … Thanks to my adviser and a lot of ambition, I’m completing a four-year degree in three years.”

Oddly enough, she went on to say how advising is one of her favorite times of the year. Designing your semester can be fun. Not everyone has bad experiences registering for classes.

“My adviser is my mentor and pretty much one of the best people I’ve ever met at Fredonia,” said a third Leader staff member. “I start my graduate studies next semester, and she’s going on sabbatical so I’m a little anxious that she’s not going to be around, but I know she’s left me with an excellent foundation and she deserves the time off.”

For some, registration started off as a breeze first semester freshman year and continued to be that way for every subsequent semester.

“I thrive on organization and having everything in my life planned to a T. I think that’s one of the reasons registering for classes has been a breeze for me since day one,” said a fourth Leader staff member. “I have gotten into every single class I have wanted to take. In fact, for the Spring semester, I was interested in taking two different classes that were outside my major. Each of these classes, however, have prerequisites that I have not completed. But with a little smooth talking via email to the department heads and professors, I got myself into both of those classes.”

Good luck to those who have yet to register, and congratulations to those who already have and are sitting back with a smile. Consider yourselves lucky ones.

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