The Leader

FTDO Riley

Singing has always been an important part of my life. When I was 17, I auditioned for American Idol and got the opportunity to meet Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler. That same year, I auditioned for The Voice and got a callback; this year, too, I auditioned for The Voice and got another callback.

When I came to Fredonia, I didn’t know where to start. I auditioned for multiple a cappella groups, and I would get callbacks but not get into the group. Finally, at the end of my junior year, I got into Much More Chill.

This group changed my life. I’ve never been so creatively involved with people who share such similar interests with me. We’re a band of brothers, definitely, but the bond we create intensifies with each rehearsal, each performance, and each time we … well … chill.

It’s not just about singing; it’s about understanding each other, musically, creatively, socially and personally. We’re all different, and we each know how to bring out each other’s strengths and make up for each other’s weaknesses.

While I am currently and have in the past been a part of many groups on this campus, Much More Chill is the group in which I feel the most comfortable and the most at home. It’s a judgment free zone — unless, that is, you’re a new guy.

Next week, for Spring Break, we’re going on our spring tour across New York state. It’s my first tour with the group, and I’m pumped to meet my brothers’ family. Wish us luck!


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