The Leader

From the Desk Of Sam McCagg, Web Editor

Sam McCagg

Web Editor


“Why did you choose to go to Fredonia?”

That was one of the first questions I was asked when I stepped onto campus almost 4 years ago. I was a newcomer to the SUNY Fredonia campus. I wasn’t used to the dog food smell on windy days, or the constant weekend downpours, or even the campus turning into a frozen tundra during the wintertime.

Day after day, week after week, things became easier — from finding shortcuts to my classes to even knowing when the FSA Café’s stocked up on the “good” stuff. I grew closer to my friends while also making new ones and became immersed within my academic classes. One memorable class I was enrolled in was Computer Science 1. This class had ultimately changed my life.

Mathematics and problem solving were always some of my favorite things when I was younger, and this class combined both principles by creating applications and programs. Ever since that class, I’ve decided to pursue a career in software development. I switched my major from music industry to computer science with a concentration in software development, and just like that, I felt like a new person. I was in different classes with new people, a new curriculum, and I was loving every second of it.

I can’t believe my final year has started. I can still remember moving into Grissom Hall and meeting my suitemates just as if it happened last week. As a senior, I am a proud member of the Computer Science Club, Math Club and Enactus. I am a Student Ambassador, Club Field Hockey player, escort bus driver, computer lab proctor, intramural sports referee, dependable friend and, of course, a dedicated student. I have met friends that I will have for the rest of my life and am so blessed to have them.

I chose Fredonia because when I took my first step onto the campus as a high school junior, I knew this place was special. Fredonia is so much more than just a university or a school. Fredonia has been my home away from home. It is a campus full of opportunities, friendly people and, of course, a crazy night life. But most importantly, you feel at home. I found my true self here at Fredonia and strongly believe that this is the place that I’m meant to be.

“Time flies when you’re in the place you’re meant to be.”


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