The Leader

From the Desk Of Brooke Atkins, Social Media Manager




From the Desk Of Brooke Atkins, Social Media Manager


As my days at Fredonia dwindle down very quickly, I cannot help but look back on all the memories I have created here, and the person I have become, and the people I have met.  

Four years ago as a freshman, I was scared. I was scared of leaving my parents and my highschool friends to enter this unknown world where I would be on my own.

Flash forward four years later, now I am in serious denial I am graduating.

My time here at Fredonia has gone by in the blink of an eye, but I would not change it for anything.

So I guess my FTDO is a thank you letter, to all the people and things at Fredonia who changed me.

My first thank you is to my friends.

Those random girls down the hall from me turned into my best friends. We have shared infinite amounts of laughter, tears and food but we have always done it together. We have created a home at Fredonia, a safe place that we can always returned to that will hold our memories forever.

I thank you girls for that.

My next thank you is to The Leader. When I joined my sophomore year I had no idea this would become so important and special to me.

I have met so many talented people at The Leader who have helped me become a stronger writer. I have had the opportunity to experience new things and learn about the endless opportunities that await.

The Leader welcomed me with open arms and I have never looked back. So anyone reading this, if you do not already belong to it, go join The Leader because you are missing out.

My third thank you is to the professors in the Communication Department.

These professors are so knowledgeable and are passionate about helping their students learn and grow.

I have been pushed beyond my limits to explore new topics I never knew about. I have been welcomed to every professor’s office door with answered questions for when I needed help.

I am leaving Fredonia a confident, successful student because of these professors.

With graduation only a few shorts weeks away and my time with these people and things coming to a close I feel nostalgic, but in reality while my time with them is ending my memories are not.

Fredonia and these people will always be home.

Thank you, Fredonia.


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