The Leader

Editorial: Almost one year of Trump is the scariest thing about Halloween this year

Trump is the worst. We’ve said it time and time again. We’ve complained. We’ve yelled. We’ve shed actual human tears. And here we are a year later. The terrible Dorito man has almost been in office for an entire year and he hasn’t gotten any better. He cannot act like a mature adult and he frequently says things that condone violence against large groups of people, specifically minorities. All he ever seems to do in times of crisis is take to Twitter like a giant toddler with his tiny baby hands.

It is no secret that Twitter has been an arena that Trump has utilized in order to broadcast his negative, ridiculous and unintelligent thoughts.

In 2013 Trump tweeted, “26,000 unreported sexual [assaults] in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”

What did we expect? We don’t know, maybe mutual respect between genders? Men and women working together in a productive and safe environment? Men and women able to fight for our country and not fight off sexual predators?

Sexual assault is absolutely unacceptable in any place of work. How we managed to elect a man who tweets such utter garbage is simply astounding.

He frequently calls the press “the enemy of the people” and let’s not even get started on the concept of “fake news.”

We, at The Leader, should have dressed up as the President’s favorite phrase for Halloween but alas. Perhaps another year.

When Trump was first elected and he began to spew his hateful garbage all over the place, we should have known then that his presidency would be a nightmare that gave Freddy Krueger a run for his money.

Unfortunately, he is the current president. He is still the leader of this country. People voted for him and continue to support him almost a year later. A year that has been filled with ignorance, hate and genuine fear from people that cannot stand by and let his words reign supreme.

A president is supposed to be a delegator, an inspiration to their fellow Americans, and the symbol of our nation. At most, Trump is an embarrassment to our country and makes America look like a joke. He hasn’t even been in office for a year and has unraveled previous administrations’ steps to improve universal healthcare, environmental issues, the freedom to protest, reproductive rights, gender equity in public bathrooms, justice for victims of sexual violence and the basic human right to exist in one’s country without fear.

He is truly the scariest thing about Halloween this year and the fact that there’s more time left to his presidency is the most unnerving thing to face in the years to come.

At this point, the good he would have to do by this country to make up for the damage he has done would be astronomical.

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