The Leader

From the Desk of Travis LeFevre, Editor in Chief

It’s weird to think that I’m a senior. Like, really friggin’ weird. Watching the incoming class walk around campus with lanyards in tow is a bizarre sight for me because I remember being that freshman. Being not too sure where my first classes were, thinking “What the hell is a Thompson Hall?” and generally just feeling like a lost puppy in a big world.

It was almost a revelation to realize that I was in my last year at Fredonia. It clicked when someone asked me, “Where can I find Student Accounts?” and I effortlessly pointed to the mini-skyscraper that is Maytum Hall and said, “third floor, down the hall and past the Payroll office.” That’s it. I’ve peaked.

Four years felt like it would be a long time. In reality, those years slap you faster than The Flash with a fly swatter. However, just because it can speed by you without a second glance doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. There’s actually a ton you can get done in four years, even with the weight of class work.

In my four years, I’ve worked as a Resident Assistant, became the Public Relations chair for the Video Game Development Club, started my own online publication for video games, interned with my local newsroom and I’ve worked my way up the ladder to where I am now at The Leader.

I should clarify, I’m not listing these off to sound braggy; that’s not the intent at all. The point of it, rather, is to showcase that, yes, college goes by quickly, but there’s so much to do with that short time. This mainly goes out to all the first year students. It will come and go quickly, but you know how everyone’s been pushing you to get involved because it’s the “best way to get to know people?”

Well, it’s more than just a minor annoyance; it’s the damn truth. Getting involved in groups and clubs is the best way to build your connections and résumé while you’re in college.

I’m not going to use this to pitch The Leader, either. If writing isn’t your thing, do what will make you flourish. Join the Business Club, Fredonia Radio Systems, the Nerf Club, the LARPing club, club sports, student government; this list can go on for a while so I’ll cut it off there.

The main point is just to do what makes you happy. It might take some experimentation and club-swapping. If one doesn’t fit your needs, join another.

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