The Leader

Letter to the Editor: Dale Tuggy: A response to our previous editorial

A recent unsigned editorial here excoriates me for pointing out that business and education students are, collectively, weaker students than the overall student population. But this is a fact, unpleasant though it may be. The average SAT and GPA numbers for students with those majors is lower; look it up. I know that takes longer than lazily lobbing a charge that my truth-telling is “unfair, unjustified and cruel,” but still, you should run the numbers. Pointing this out is not attacking those students, as if they were not trying or as if they shouldn’t be at Fredonia. Rather, it is to point out that the quality of intellectual life at Fredonia has been degraded under the poor leadership of presidents Hefner and Horvath.

The intellectual abilities of your peers here matters a lot to the quality of the education you get here. In point of fact, professors in many of the more challenging disciplines have been pressured by both themselves and by administrators to dumb down the material in classes, so that not too many students fail. This directly impacts you, dear student.

Unfortunately, the low level of discourse around here is perfectly illustrated by the editor’s ridiculous comment that “It is never okay to make blanket statements about an entire group of people. . .”

An educated person should be embarrassed to say something like this. Just this morning, I read in the news about a massive study that found that collectively, for whatever reason(s), girls are, collectively, better at reading and writing than boys, as early as the fourth grade.

Better that you should look into the actual statistics than howl about an imagined “direct attack on our student population.” My letter as a whole makes clear that the school needs better leadership, in order to better serve the student population.

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