The Leader

A letter from Joseph Marciniak, Scallion Editor

The Scallion has been providing fine satiric news to the student body and general public for years. Our goal has always and will always be the same: to take a step back and laugh. We are not a real news section. Let me be clear on this: no matter how real the articles may seem, they are never and will never be factual. It has never been our goal to report the news.

With that being said, we do try to take on relevant topics, such as the “Small Business Revolution.” We focus on more relevant topics for several reasons; these topics are what we and other students care about at a given time.

A recent article has garnered quite a bit of attention, but not for the reasons we would hope.

Our article from the previous week, “Fredonia Disqualified from ‘Small Business Revolution’” has received thousands of views in a few days. It appears that many people read the title, panicked, and assumed it was the truth.

Just to clarify if there is still any confusion, the Scallion is satire and Fredonia is not disqualified.

An important thing to take note of is that the goal of the Scallion has never, and will never be to trick people into thinking our articles are factual. There are times where we use facts to make jokes hit harder, such as our article from Feb. 5 about the “Small Business Revolution” regarding the salary of the CEO. We attempt to make it obvious that these are facts by putting in parentheses something like, “This is actually true, we did research for this joke.” If you do not see this in a joke, that means it is a joke and likely not factual.

Wow, look at how serious my writing is, guys. Isn’t that insane? I’m supposed to write jokes.

If you ever have any concerns, comments or compliments for that one issue with the picture of me with muscles, feel free to email me at

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