SUNY Fredonia
The Police Blotter, run and shared with The Leader by the University Police Department (UPD), aims to provide information to students, faculty and the community at and around SUNY Fredonia. All information is provided on the University Police Department’s website, The Police Blotter will continue every issue, with new information regarding any new criminal acts that happen on the SUNY Fredonia campus.
February 14
A report was made for aggravated harassment, where the victim was receiving multiple calls/texts. A warrant has been issued.
A report for criminal mischief was made due to the finding of a bathroom in the University Commons lobby being damaged. The report has been closed by investigation.
February 15
A report for larceny was made for a bicycle being stolen from a Nixon Hall bike rack. The status of this report is “prosecution declined.”
February 19
A report for harassment was made for a neighbor dispute in Nixon Hall. The status of this is that it has been “turned over to Student Conduct.”
All information printed in The Leader’s police blotter is a matter of open public record. No retractions or corrections will be made unless a factual error is shown. Anyone who is cleared of charges has the right to have so printed. It is the responsibility of the accused to provide notice and proof of the dropped charges.