The Leader

Campus News


Cross Country Finds Success at Regionals: Collins, Mulcahy and Morrison Qualify for Nationals

Contributor to The Leader
  JOHN CULLEN Special to The Leader   The importance of finishing games was one area the men’s hockey coaching staff and returning players addressed during the office season. Hard work made an immediate impact as this year’s Blue Devil team has established its identity as a third-period team.  ......

Teamwork for charity Dancing with the Athletes raises money for Moving Miracles

Contributor to The Leader
CURTIS HENRY Distribution Manager   Cliques. There is such a negative stigma surrounding the word, “clique.” Everyone associates the word as being high-school-oriented. The jocks. The nerds. The band kids. The outcasts. The fact remains that cliques exist, even after high school. However, the word doesn’t deserve the negative connotation......

Cross country finds success at regionals Collins, Mulcahy and Morrison qualify for nationals

Contributor to The Leader
  JARED HILL Special to The Leader   Fredonia cross country had a strong showing at the NCAA Atlantic Regionals — three students qualified for the NCAA championship. Last weekend, men and women’s cross country traveled to Castle, New York, for the NCAA Atlantic Regional races in Letchworth State Park.......

Web exclusive: University reposts commercials sans the controversy

Contributor to The Leader
AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   When you go to the school’s homepage and click “Start Your Journey,” the videos that were taken down last week — in response to various complaints made by Fredonia students — have been reposted. The commercials feature Fredonia students working in the field that they’re......
Life & Arts

‘Kaleidocharted’ The Riveters host annual Fall Show

Contributor to The Leader
[metaslider id=4685] AMBER MATTICE Staff Writer   The Riveters once again blew their audience away on Nov. 14 as they held their annual Fall Show. Making an appearance alongside Fredonia’s well-known a capella group were The Buffalo Chips and The Royal Pitches from the University of Buffalo. The groups complimented......
Life & Arts

A fun night of song and dance Vocal Point holds Fall Showcase

Contributor to The Leader
HOLLY BURDICK Special to The Leader Hard work and dedication truly pay off. Vocal Point, Fredonia’s show choir, proved this to be true this past weekend. Its Fall Showcase was held on Saturday Nov.14. All of the passion, work, sweat and persistence exerted throughout the semester finally paid off. Vocal......
Life & Arts

Advice from ‘Family Guy’ and ‘James Bond’ composers: Ethos presents Lee Sanders and DJ Brady

Contributor to The Leader
CARLY KNASZAK Assistant Reverb Editor     When someone puts in a DVD, he or she automatically wants to skip through the trailers and get right to the movie. But, everyone is forced to stop and watch the SONY Pictures logo and accompanying theme music everyone is familiar with. That......

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