The Leader

Campus News


Models of selflessness Days of Service slated for Nov. 7 – Nov. 12

  CHARLES PRITCHARD Staff Writer   Some people are content with dropping a few quarters in the Salvation Army collection box around Christmas time and claiming that as their good deed for the year. However, there are others, like the volunteers at the Days of Service, that stand out at......

Support for Sanders Fredonia Students for Bernie Sanders forms from Facebook

Contributor to The Leader
  AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   As the generation who will one day be ruling the world, it’s our responsibility to vote in a presidential candidate who can help take care of us, and have our best interests in mind, until we can start running the world on our own.......

Who should pay: students or the state? Fredonia faculty urges students to stand up for the MOE Bill

  COLIN PERRY Assistant News Editor The fate of a bill that would help state schools across New York pay for their most basic operating costs — without having students make up costs through tuition — now hangs entirely in the hands of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. And higher-education activists......

Meat-free Fredonia Fredonia eliminates all meat products after WHO report

Contributor to The Leader
EMMO Staff Lampoonist   Recently the World Health Organization announced that processed meat is classified as a carcinogen on par with tobacco use. This news has raised major health concerns nationwide. While the rest of the United States is still figuring out how to handle the issue, Fredonia has reacted......
Life & Arts

The intersection of religion of queerness: Vivek Shraya presents at Fall Gathering and Queer History Month closing ceremonies

S. L. FULLER Editor in Chief   Toronto-based author Vivek Shraya called Alberta the “Texas of Canada.” To a room full of Fredonia students and faculty, this comparison proved vivid enough. Alberta is the province in which Shraya grew up as a queer Hindu, which adds another whole dimension to......

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