The Leader

Campus News


A girl on her mind Why Mary Beth Tinker doesn’t remember the Supreme Court

Contributor to The Leader
L. FULLER Editor in Chief   Free speech heroine Mary Beth Tinker was sitting at the head of the table at The Brick Room on Sept. 28, and I was sitting to her immediate right. She had just finished her presentation in the Science Center about her experiences with the......

It’s not too late to celebrate Queer History Month events slated for the entire month

AMANDA DEDIE News Editor   October 1 marks the beginning of LGBT History Month or, as Fredonia’s Pride Alliance renamed it last year, Queer History Month. The Price Alliance at Fredonia and the Student Association have partnered to provide the campus with a number of fun and educational events to......

Never-ending construction Annual budget contains upcoming construction projects

COLIN PERRY Staff Writer Returning students and faculty to Fredonia know that the only things certain in life are death, taxes and construction. The annual Consolidated Operating Budget released by the Department for Finance and Administration last week contains information on a number of upcoming construction projects slated to begin......
Life & Arts

Safe campus, safe community? Trans issues on and off campus

MARIA MELCHIORRE Staff Writer              The State University of New York at Fredonia’s nondiscrimination statement aims for the protection of students against harassment on the basis of their “race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic......

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