The Leader

Campus News

Life & Arts

Visiting Writers Series: Matthew Salesses

Contributor to The Leader
MEGAN MUNRO Special to The Leader On Nov. 3, the Mary Louise White Visiting Writers Series hosted its last visiting writer of the semester. Students were given the exciting opportunity of hearing from the novelist Matthew Salesses. Salesses received his Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of......

A comparative analysis of Fredonia’s meal plan system to other SUNY schools

Contributor to The Leader
CASEY HUBER Special to The Leader How would you rate the on-campus food out of 10? “6. It’s fine,” one student said. “6,” another student said. “6.5. The lack of options makes having any dietary restriction difficult,” another student said. “5. I wish they put more time and love and......

FSA attempts to mitigate students’ concerns regarding food quality

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK News Editor  Ongoing student concerns regarding the inconsistent quality of FSA food on campus – resulting in upset stomachs, allergic reactions and overall dissatisfaction – have sparked efforts by FSA administrators to intervene. FSA has blamed staffing shortages for the problems and has recently taken steps to hire......
Life & Arts

SUNY Fredonia hosts event for World Mental Health Day

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK News Editor Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day, an internationally-recognized day that observes mental health issues around the world.  According to the World Health Organization, “the overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize......

Time isn’t real and we are accelerating into Hell

Contributor to The Leader
BRIAN CECALA Staff Scallywag  I was going to write an article about Gavin Newsom and the California recall but it’s been less than a week and it’s already not relevant to the news cycle anymore. The human conscious experience has accelerated to only remembering things that happened in the last......

Students asked to stay safe after a hooded man attempts to assault students

Contributor to The Leader
CHLOE KOWALYK News Editor On Monday, Oct. 4, all students, faculty and staff received an email from Enrollment and Student Services with a message from Brett Isaacson, the Chief of University Police.  The email told of two separate incidents involving SUNY Fredonia students that had occurred in the early morning......
Life & Arts

Fredonia Honors Program presents leadership stories to campus community

Contributor to The Leader
ALYSSA BUMP Editor in Chief Most college students are on a journey of self-discovery. But with self-discovery comes confusion, and even when we think we are on the right track, it is nice to get some reassurance and advice from those we look up to.  The Fredonia Honors Program is......

Mask mandate announced to stay in place on SUNY Fredonia campus

Contributor to The Leader
CLARE NORMOYLESpecial to The Leader  The fall 2021 semester has been a little different for Fredonia students this year.  It’s the first semester in almost two years where students and faculty will have a full day of classes in person. But with this physical luxury comes safety requirements. SUNY Fredonia......

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