The Leader

Campus News


How will COVID affect SUNY Fredonia’s budget?

Contributor to The Leader
TANNER TRUAX Special to The Leader  SUNY Fredonia continues to hemorrhage as COVID-19 stretches an already thin budget.  How much of a hemorrhage?  Nothing a bandage could cover. “We anticipate borrowing 1.2 million dollars at the end of this year,” said Mike Metzger, vice president for finance and administration. This......

Petition to bring Black Lives Matter mural to Fredonia

Contributor to The Leader
ELLE NUNZIO Special to The Leader  In this ever-changing political and social climate, the students of Fredonia’s Black Student Union are taking a stand. A petition was started in the group’s name that calls for a Black Lives Matter street mural to be added to Fredonia’s campus. This mural is very similar to......

Letter to the Editor: “Ise Emden,” Fredonia’s mask-wearing man

Contributor to The Leader
Following the publication of the article, “Masked man menaces Fredonia residents after dark, students report,” The Leader received an email from the address “” with the display name “Ise Emden.” The person claimed to be the masked man who had been seen scaring students at nighttime. To prove that the......

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