The Leader

Campus News


LoGrasso’s hours and services explained

Contributor to The Leader
TOPHER ELKINS Special to The Leader LoGrasso Hall is Fredonia’s only student health center, and in light of a recent Scallion article, the center’s hours of operation have come under question. On the school’s website, LoGrasso’s mission is listed “ … to provide quality medical care for the Fredonia student......
Life & Arts

Latinos Unidos honors Hispanic Heritage Month

Contributor to The Leader
JESSICA MEDITZ Asst. Life & Arts Editor Hispanic Heritage Month is often a period of recognition, celebration and pride for many Latinos across the country. Fredonia hasn’t forgotten about it, either. Latinos Unidos, one of Fredonia’s clubs, has arranged several events to honor the month. Their most recent event, known......

Hefner’s student cabinet returns to discuss campus concerns

Contributor to The Leader
ERIKETA COST Life & Arts Editor   A new pathway of communication has been opened up between the students and the school — it’s a student cabinet. Interim President Dennis Hefner has returned his student cabinet after it’s long hiatus, ever since he finished his past presidency and President Virginia Horvath......
Life & Arts

A brief description of some upcoming events happening within the School of Music for the month of October

Contributor to The Leader
10/12 Second Saturday Jam, Open Mic at Domus Fare This event is for individuals who are interested in playing ukulele for an open mic night. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Domus Fare 10/14 Ethos NewSound Presents Mivos String Quartet Ethos New Music is Fredonia’s student-run new music-presenting organization. 8......
Life & Arts

Fredonia welcomes Dr. Edward Ball: NY Times best selling author

Contributor to The Leader
BRENTON NEWCOMB Special to The Leader Visiting author and Professor Edward Ball will be touching on the topic of racial violence in the present and past as well as the ancestry of his great-grandfather in his upcoming book, “The Life Of A Klansman.” Ball, a professor at Yale University and......

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